Chalk Watercolor Painting

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Chalk Watercolor Paintings - easy & beautiful art for kids - rainbow arts & crafts for children.

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It has been a beautiful summer so far. We have spent a lot of time enjoying the wonderful weather and playing outdoors. We swim in the pool on hot days and practice playing Wiffle ball, but my daughter’s favorite outdoor activity is making art with sidewalk chalk. She can’t get enough of it. We have buckets of it & believe me, it does not go to waste.


Since she loves using it so much outdoors, we tried making some art with it indoors as well and we found that it is just as much fun inside as out.

Our project was simple. We used the chalk to draw on watercolor paper.  My daughter chose to make a rainbow & I made a sunset.


When our chalk drawings were finished, we used water & a paintbrush and painted over our chalk drawings following the lines of our drawing.


The water on the chalk had a lovely effect & looked like watercolors.


My daughter actually got pretty excited painting over each color and watching the colors change & blend. She made me watch as she ran her paint brush over every layer of her rainbow.

IMG_1468Chalk Watercolor Paintings - easy & beautiful art for kids - rainbow arts & crafts for children

I had fun watching my painting take form as well. This is a perfect rainy day activity when we can’t hit the sidewalk.

Chalk Watercolor Paintings for kids - easy arts & craft projects for children

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