

Design Your Own Princess Dress

Design Your Own Pricess Dress Activity - With 4 free dress cut-out patterns

A couple of weeks ago, Mai & I made a footed pajama craft together.

Footed pajama craft

She had so much fun decorating her own footie pajamas & kept making me cut out more. She did not forget about the fun that she had that night. This week she asked me if we could make our own princess dresses. I made a few different princess dress designs & cut them out for her to decorate.

Click on the links below for dress cut-out templates.

Princess Dress 1

Princess Dress 2

Princess Dress 3

Princess Dress 4

I cut the dresses out on different colored construction paper & put them in a pile and let her choose which ones she wanted. We put out markers, crayons, ribbon, pom poms, yarn, buttons, cupcake liners, glitter and glue for decorating & embellishing.

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We cut out print outs of my daughter’s head and glued them to pieces of construction paper & she glued the dresses on them . She wanted to draw her own head on some of them too.

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I have to be honest, I think I had almost as much fun making these as she did. It turns out that big girls love princess dresses too.


Thank you as always for stopping by. Please follow us on Facebook as well.

Design your own princess dress with markers, glitter, pom pom & ribbon. Free printable cut outs

Cupcake Wrapper Crafts

Cupcake Wrapper Dress Craft - Cute for a DIY card


Our house just cannot catch a break. This winter we traded one illness for another. With the spring finally here, we thought that our luck would change. Unfortunately, we were mistaken. Our daughter is sick again. She has a runny nose, a junky cough & laryngitis. Trying to keep an inquisitive 3 year old from talking is no easy feat.  We spent most of the night watching cartoons & eating popsicles, but then I roused my crafty daughter when I started playing with some cupcake wrappers. I had something in mind that I wanted to try with her for another day, but since I piqued her curiosity, we made them right away.

Cupcake dress

For the dress, we folded a wrapper in half & then another into quarters. We glued them down on construction paper & then glued a bowed ribbon to the middle of the two wrappers.

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We drew in dress straps with markers & then drew designs on the dress.


Mai has become more independent in our crafts together & wanted to fold, glue & color her own dress.

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She did let me put the bow on for her though,


While we were making the dresses, she picked one up & told me that it looked like a sea shell. She was right. It certainly did. We made one of those too.

Cupcake Wrapper Sea Shell

She was having fun so much fun that she just kept going. She made a lion, so mommy did too.



Cupcake Wrapper Lion

Despite the lack of voice & sickness, we still had a good night.

Thank you as always for stopping by. Please follow us on Facebook as well.