
milk carton

Milk Carton Cuckoo Clock

Milk Carton Cuckoo Clock with movable cuckoo

I love hearing the random topics that come out of my daughter’s mouth. Yesterday her Nana was over and they were having a conversation about cuckoo clocks. I did not even know that my daughter knew what a cuckoo clock was. I am not sure how it began, but it set a light bulb off in my head & made me want to make a cuckoo clock craft. After her visit with Nana, I asked Mai if she wanted to make a cuckoo clock & her face lit up. “I will go get the pink paint.” I guess that is a yes. I wanted to make one with a cuckoo bird that she could move in and out of the clock. The end result was cute & fun.


What you will need:

Milk or juice carton

Acrylic paints

A piece of cardboard

Foam sheets or construction paper

Craft stick

Pipe cleaner

Glue gun (For adult use)

For the cuckoo

Pom pom

Googly eyes



Rinse out a carton & let it dry.

Cut a square out for the cuckoo’s window.


Cut a horizontal slit in the back at the same height as the bottom of the window. Cut a vertical slit about a 1/2″ above the other slit.


Paint the whole carton in the color of your choosing & let dry. As you probably guessed, we picked pink.



Since my daughter was busy painting, I worked on the details for our clock.

Form a bird out of a pom pom, feathers & pipe cleaners. Glue the cuckoo to the end of a craft stick.


Cut the details such as the shutters & eaves of the roof out of foam or construction paper. We work with foam because it does not wrinkle or tear as easily.


Cut a circle out & draw in the clock’s face. Glue all of your details in place.


Cut out a piece of cardboard narrow enough to fit into the window & fit into the horizontal slit in the back. Have the cardboard extend out of the window about 1 1/2″. Glue into place.


Stick the craft stick & bird into the carton with the stick poking out the vertical slit.


Use the craft stick to move your bird in & out. “Cuckoo, Cuckoo!” Mai loved her new cuckoo clock. “Mama, this cuckoo clock is so awesome.”

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Milk Carton Cuckoo Clock - With a cuckoo that really pops out

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