
paper bag

Paper Bag Fall Luminaries

Here is an easy and gorgeous craft project for the fall.

I love the soft glow of luminaries in the fall. Luminaries are so enchanting and remind me of nighttime hayrides, cocoa and cozy over-sized sweaters. These paper bag fall luminaries are a quick an easy way to add a little bit of autumn magic to your home or to a classroom.

Pretty Paper Bag Fall Tree Luminary - Autumn arts and crafts for kids.

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Stuffed Paper Bag Fall Crafts

While cleaning out our kitchen the other day, I stumbled across a full package of brown paper lunch bags. We do not use them for lunches anymore… but oh! the crafting possibilities. When you have about 50 paper bags and a lazy weekend, what else is there to do but make a bunch of fall crafts. 
Brown paper bag crafts for the fall. These stuffed paper bag Indian corn, apple tree and scarecrow stuffed bag crafts for the kids are perfect for autumn

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