

Alphabet Block Bookcase

Blocksbookcase.jpgOur home is no longer an adult’s house. It is a toddler’s house that has a couple of adults living in it. There is not one room in our house that is not filled with Mai’s toys, clothes, artwork or books. I can hardly remember what is was like to have a tidy house.

We read a lot in our home. My daughter loves being read to and now is at the point that she knows most of her books so well that she can recite them to us. Her books are everywhere. We have two baskets of books in our living room, a pile on her floor in her room, a stack on our night stand in our room and a shelf of them in the kitchen. I had read a suggestion regarding rotating your books out as you do with your toys, that your toddlers only need a few books out at a time. The thing is my daughter reads them all. I boxed up a few of the less popular books in her collection and she knew that they were not there. We have book picnics in our living room, where we will lay about 15 books out with snacks and pillows and we will go through them all.

I wanted to organize her books better and at a little cuteness to her space as well. This was a simple project using wooden storage cubes.


What you will need:

Wooden storage blocks
Acrylic paints
Alphabet stencils
Paint brush


Lay down newspaper and gather all your supplies. Position your first block for painting.


Place your stencil in the center of your block.  Measure around all four sides to make sure that you are centered. Tape the stencil in place.


Using the color of your choice paint within the stencil.


Using a ruler or anything with a hard edge, paint a straight thick line about an inch thick around all four edges.


Let dry and then repeat all steps with how ever many cubes you choose to use. For your bottom cubes, paint so that the openings are opposite of one another so that you may get books easily.


Secure with gorilla glue, nails or screws to secure the blocks in place.



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