10 Reasons That I Wish I Was A Toddler


It was a bad night for mommy. The terrible twos have blown through our home like a tornado & have left exhaustion & frustration in its wake. Tonight was especially rough. My daughter had a meltdown that lasted from the moment I came home until I tucked her into her crib. Collapsing on the couch with a beer and a headache got me thinking. What is my little girl so distressed about? Sure she is contending with a lot of young emotions and her little brain is taking in a lot, but all in all, I have to say I think that she has it pretty good. I would not mind being in her shoes for a few days.

Here are 10 reasons that I wish I could be a toddler.

1.  I could wear footie pajamas every day. I used to joke with my husband all the time that I wish I could spend all day in footie pajamas like our daughter did. My hubby obliged & last mother’s day I ended up with a pair of these.


2. Chubby belly & thighs are considered cute. If this were only true for me, I would be considered a goddess.


3. Running around naked is acceptable. I am sort of a nudist. If it was socially acceptable, I might never put clothes on.


4. Napping  I don’t understand why my daughter fights napping so much . It is wonderful. You don’t realize how much you love a good nap until you can’t take them when you want anymore.


5. You can get away with wearing anything. As adults we are always so self-conscious of our appearance & what other people think of it. I am guessing I could not get away with this mis-matched ensemble that daddy put her in one day.



6. Everything you do is funny, smart & cute. I can’t remember the last time someone oohed & aaahed over me smelling my own feet or farting. It just doesn’t happen. 


7. If you pee or poop in your pants it is not embarrassing. Ok, ok, it is not that I do these things, but if I did it would be nice to know that someone would be ready with a pack of water wipes & some powder to wipe my bum down with.


8. When you are mad, you can throw a tantrum. As adults we often have to suppress these feelings which leave us stressed. How wonderful would it be to have a toddler-like tantrum & throw things & pound your fists on the floor? I would like to try this at work tomorrow & see what happens.


9. You can be a slob. How fun would it be to enjoy your food so whole heartedly? I would drop food all over myself & not bat an eyelash. When you make a mess, somewhere is always there to clean it up for you.



10. The world is your playground. One thing that I find so wonderful about my daughter is that everything is so new & exciting to her. Things that we take for granted, fill her with such wide-eyed wonder. I would love to be able to see things again through a child’s eyes.


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32 comments on “10 Reasons That I Wish I Was A Toddler

  1. Oh those tantrum days are so trying. I feel for ya. Glad you could find some humor in it though – that always helps! Love the mismatched outfit from dad – that happens in our house every Saturday. I almost feel like I need to take photos of socially acceptable outfits so my husband can get it right! Ha!

  2. I would love to be a toddler too! Can we can we can we? And do not forget being able to make a mess of our toys (and making the apartment look like a tornado hit it) and have someone else clean up after ourselves.

  3. I am smack dab in the midst of the terrible twos – I have been since my son was 15 months. He’ll be 3 in July and we’re still at it. I treasure the mini-breaks that I get when he doesn’t have a tantrum for a week or so. I wish I were a toddler too! The napping, the enjoyment of the simple things in life – how great it was!

    This is definitely a great post! Thanks so much for sharing on Turn It Up Tuesday! We love having you! 🙂

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