Egg Carton Flower Bouquet

Egg carton flower bouquet. A simple craft for kids, perfect for Valentine's Day or Mother's Day

*Original Photos have been updated*

We may be experiencing heavy snowfall outdoors, but spring is a bloom inside our house. As a child I can remember making caterpillars out of egg cartons. It was a crafting favorite of art teachers everywhere. Egg cartons are not just for caterpillars though. There are many other possibilities.

Here is a cute & easy alternative to the cute little caterpillar. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, here is a fresh bouquet of egg carton flowers.

Egg Carton Bouquet

What you will need:

A clean egg carton


Pipe Cleaners



Start with a clean & empty egg carton


Cut into the carton separating each individual section.


Cut out as many as you want to make.


Paint each piece in a different color.


Glue a pipe cleaner to the inside of each cup.


Use a separate pipe cleaner & loop it into leaves around the stem.


Egg carton flower bouquet. A simple craft for kids, perfect for Valentine's Day or Mother's Day

For more Valentine’s Day related crafts please visit our latest post in Seek Magazine.

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