Jackson Pollock Inspired Canvas Art

Jackson Pollock Inspired Canvas Art

Jackson Pollock Inspired Drip & splatter canvas art painting for kids

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Yesterday, my daughter & I experimented with painting with rubber thimbles. Her thimble finger painting reminded me of a Jackson Pollock painting. I told my daughter this & she replied “What’s a Pollock?” I showed her some photos of his art and explained to her about his dripping & splatter techniques. I thought the best way to explain to her would be to make some art inspired by his work ourselves.

Luckily, I always have canvases in the house just in case.  61DpCVMEP6L._SL1000_

We laid down drop cloths & cardboard before starting our messy project & then put down our blank canvas.

We watered down acrylics paints for our project.

I laid out medicine droppers, pipe cleaners, craft sticks & assorted paint brushes for us to use.

We used the pipe cleaners to slap paint onto the canvas.


We used the medicine dropper to drip & squirt the paint out onto the canvas. We did paintings with medicine droppers a few weeks ago & Mai loved it, so this was by far her favorite part. She used the dropper for the majority of the project.

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She spread a little bit of paint with the craft stick & had fun shaking & splatting the paint brushes. She was so enthusiastic about shaking her brush that some paint did make it off the drop cloth & onto the floor. Oops! Don’t worry. It came right up.

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She kept going until we used up all of our paint.


Here was the finished project.

Jackson Pollock Inspired canvas art

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