

Footprint Dachshund Craft

Footprint Dachshund


My daughter is not much of an eater. There are a very few things that she will eat, but luckily there are a few. One of her favorites is hot dogs. She loves hot dogs. While eating one the other day, I asked her if she knew that there was a dog that looked like a hot dog. “Whaaaaaat??” She began to laugh. I pulled out my phone & showed her a picture. She thought this was hilarious. Dachshunds might be her new favorite animal. They are adorable. We made our own cute little “hot dog” out of her sweet little foot. Here’s how.

Footprint Dachshunds

Paint the bottom of your child’s foot in brown or black & press in onto a piece of paper. You may have to do it a few times to get the best imprint.


Paint on a tail & the dachshund’s stubby legs.


Paint the head, neck & ears.


Form a collar around the small toe.


Finish off your pup by drawing in the eyes & nose.


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