Scarecrow silhouette paintings

We love silhouettes. We have done a number of silhouette projects over the years and we are really excited about this one. These scarecrow silhouette paintings are perfect for the fall and Halloween. You can make them as haunting or cute as you want.

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What you will need:

Watercolor paper

Watercolor paints

Black acrylic paint

Toothbrush or fork


((Watercolor paper is large. We often cut our paper in half for our projects, but you may choose to use a full sheet.) 

First, paint your background using watercolors. Paint the bottom half on your paper in a ground color. Use blacks, browns, dark greens, or yellows. Paint the top in the colors of your choice to create an eerie night sky. You can create sunsets, use purples, blues, reds, oranges anything else that you can think of to create your pretty night sky. After you have done that, let the paint dry. The watercolors will dry pretty quickly.

Use a toothbrush or even a fork dipped in black acrylic paint to brush long strokes on your paper to give the impression of a wheat field. Brush on at an angle and keep dipping and brushing until you have filled up your field with wheat.

Next, paint in your scarecrow. We made simple scarecrows, which are just a series of shapes. Your little artists can create their own designs, of course, and get as creative and detailed as they like.

Easy, peasy, quick and breezy. As always, we invite you to share your creations with us on our social media. We really enjoy seeing them.

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