Printable poem Mirror, Mirror on the wall... It does not matter if I'm short or tall... If I have skinny legs or my hips are wide... It only matters who I am inside... Blue eyes, brown eyes, black or green... What makes me most beautiful cannot be seen... When you look at me, don't judge me by my parts... The most beautiful thing about me is my heart. Kim Uliana (The Pinterested Parent)

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall by Kim Uliana Poem Printable

Mirror, Mirror on the wall… It does not matter if I’m short or tall… If I have skinny legs or my hips are wide… It only matters who I am inside… Blue eyes, brown eyes, black or green… What makes me most beautiful cannot be seen… When you look at me, don’t judge me by […]

Nature Crafting With Clay

I am beginning to think more and more that my four year old and my husband are the real writers of this blog, especially my little girl. She has been coming up with so many amazing ideas on her own lately, that I cannot help but beam with pride. Both of the crafts here today […]

Poems & Quotes For Mother & Child

Mirror, Mirror on the wall… It does not matter if I’m short or tall… If I have skinny legs or my hips are wide… Kim Uliana (The Pinterested Parent)If you do not follow us on Facebook, you might not be aware that I love to write poems. Being a mother is filled with so many […]

A Mother’s Resume

Yesterday I did a post about the irrational fears of mothers. A reader commented that these irrational thoughts are part of our job description. This made me chuckle. My response was that our job description is far too long, that sometimes I forget what is on it. It got me thinking. Being a parent is […]

Encouraging Your Toddler’s Imagination

Albert Einstein once said “Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.” He was right. A healthy imagination is a great thing. It sparks creativity, aids in problem solving and ideas. Many of us lose our sense of imagination as we get older, but our children are still growing & […]