Yarn Wrapped Hearts

Yarn Wrapped Valentine's Hearts - A great fine motor craft & activity for the kids

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My daughter is slightly obsessed with yarn. We have a big bin filled with yarn & ribbon and she pulls it out all the time. She likes to cut it, tie it to things & make obstacle courses throughout the house with it.

We have a piece of string art hanging in our dining room that I made a while ago. Mai asked me about it during dinner and asked me if she could make one too. I did not have the supplies handy, but I did have an idea that I thought she would still like.

Heart & Love String art

Yarn Wrapped Hearts

Cut two large hearts out of cardboard & then cut a heart out of the middle as well.


Paint both sides of your heart with acrylic paints in the color of your choice & let dry.



Cut pieces of yarn. My daughter works with scissors under my supervision often, but use your own judgment in regards to your child & always operate proper safety precautions.


Wrap the pieces of yarn around the heart. Mai watched me wrap mine first & then followed suit.

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Yarn Wrapped Hearts - Fine motor Activity & CraftYarn Wrapped Fine Motor Craft & Activity for Kids for Valentine's Day

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A pretty fine motor activity and kid's craft for Valentine's day Yarn Wrapped Hearts

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