Baking soda and vinegar eruption prints - science and art combine for this pretty process art. Messy painting, arts and crafts for kids

Baking Soda Eruption Prints

Baking soda and colored vinegar eruptions have been one of our daughter’s favorite activities for years. What’s not to like? They’re fun. They’re fizzy and they’re colorful. They are so beautiful that we have even made a few art projects using the eruptions. For Valentine’s Day this year, we made Fizzing Heart Art. The fizzing hearts were such a […]

Leaf Nature prints on wax paper - printmaking ideas for kids. spring & summer arts & crafts projects

Wax Paper Leaf Prints

These wax paper leaf prints combine two things that we love, nature and printmaking. Leaves are fantastic for printmaking. There are so many shapes and sizes to choose from and the veins in the leaves create such lovely lines. We are lucky enough to live in a wooded area, surrounded by such beautiful nature.  We have unlimited art inspiration and free craft materials […]

‘Inside Out’ Character Hand Print Craft

My daughter loves the movie ‘Inside Out’. She is particularly fond of Joy. Joy is her favorite character. She pretends to be her all of the time. Yesterday, she was asked what her name is. She told the person that her name was Joy. I just laughed. She gets so into character, that she even refuses […]