Our Sunday Menu – Toddler Victories & Failures

There are some things in parenthood that do not make sense to me. The most recent in a long line of things that puzzle me is this, you have all heard me cry & whine over what a difficult eater our daughter is, then how do you explain this… If the daily battle with my […]

What Daycare Teaches An Only Child

When we made the decision to start a family, it never occurred to me that we might only have one child. In every day dream that I ever had there were always two children. I saw my husband carrying a little girl on his shoulders while I held a little boy’s hand. Of course they were perfect […]

Fall Tissue Paper Crafts

This has been a weird summer. I hate the heat so I am not complaining, but there haven’t been many hot days. We have had quite a few rainy ones lately.. Rainy days in our home mean books & crafting. With August winding down, I am getting ready for my favorite season, fall. Like I said, […]