Paper Plate Fire Breathing Dragon Mask

We ate at Wendy’s this weekend for dinner. My daughter got a kid’s meal. It came with little cut-outs from Dreamwork’s Dragons. My daughter was so excited about this. “Mama, what is this dragon’s name?” She asked me this with each character that she picked up. She played with these until bedtime. Right before she […]

‘Inside Out’ Character Hand Print Craft

My daughter loves the movie ‘Inside Out’. She is particularly fond of Joy. Joy is her favorite character. She pretends to be her all of the time. Yesterday, she was asked what her name is. She told the person that her name was Joy. I just laughed. She gets so into character, that she even refuses […]

Thomas The Train Crafts

My daughter loves cartoons. She would stay parked in front of the television all day, but I limit her screen time. There are only a few shows that she watches. Her favorite shows are ‘Stella & Sam’ & ‘Julius Jr.’ Since I monitor her television time, it always surprises me when she knows so many […]